According to Tasnim news agency, although in recent days, the problems and illegality of the selection of the head in the federations have been pointed out by the Ministry of Sports in the media, including in Tasnim, the officials of this ministry still insist on the realization of this issue without considering its consequences. have
In the latest statement from the officials of the Ministry of Sports, Seyyed Mohammad Sharvin Esbaghian, Deputy Director of Championship and Professional Sports Development, referring to Note 1, Clause 16 of Article 13, considered it one of the legal cases in the powers of the Minister of Sports to appoint a supervisor. In this regard, he said: “Sometimes I see that on some sites it is stated that the Minister of Sports does not have this authority, while I should point out the reference to the resolution of the Board of Ministers on October 14, 1998 and also on May 15, 1400, during this resolution, the Minister of Sports and Youth has been elected as the president of the assembly, and according to note one of paragraph 16 of article 13, he has this authority, if the president of a federation is dismissed, is absent for more than 3 months and does not attend the assemblies, the president of the assembly, who is the minister of sports, can take charge determine.”
This is despite the fact that it is stated in note one of paragraph 16 of article 13: “If the head of the federation has been dismissed or resigned, or has been absent for more than three months, or has been prohibited from continuing his activities by the decisions of the competent authorities, the head of the assembly can appoint the head of the federation until the general assembly is convened (within six months at most) “
How the Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth has taken such a clear and specific clause is questionable. The text of the statute is clear and has no ambiguity or problem. Perhaps it is better to revisit it to understand the depth of the disaster. In this paragraph, it is stated that “if the chairman is dismissed or resigns or is absent or there is a ruling from the competent authorities”, the Minister of Sports can choose a new person.. Where in this paragraph is it written that Esbagian referred to the illegal decision of the Ministry of Sports?
Neither in this paragraph nor in any part of the statutes is it mentioned that the Minister of Sports is the chairman of the assembly. The chairman of the assembly of each federation is identified and introduced within the assembly and by voting among the members; Now this person can be the head of the federation or the minister of sports or one of his deputies.
Article 13 states that the General Assembly is recognized as the highest decision-making body of the Federation and is formed from the members with voting rights, with the condition of trustworthiness and trustworthiness, no bad reputation and no effective criminal record, and the minister or his deputies are a member of the assembly; Just like the president of the federation, representative of the Olympic Committee and…
Another issue that Esbagian mentioned as the deputy of the Ministry of Sports is related to the trust and trust regulations. He said: “This is not an upstream regulation and we have to make a decision based on the statute. “The Ministry of Sports has sent this regulation of reliability and trust to the federations and it is one of the powers of the Minister of Sports and Youth.”
But the important point is that The regulations of trust and trust have been approved and approved in the assemblies of the federations despite being sent by the Ministry of Sports, and any changes in it must be approved in the assemblies of the federations, a matter that has not happened so far and no decision is valid without the approval of the assembly.
Esbaghian further stated that “choosing the supervisor is one of the powers of the Minister of Sports, and this has happened in different periods as well.” “In fact, both during the period of Kyomarth Hashemi and the previous ones, the ministers of sports chose the heads of the federations, and this is not against the law.”
Now the question is that If the previous ministers have done something wrong, is it a license for the next ones to do something wrong? In addition, in no period has the minister of sports mentioned this clearly about the selection of the supervisor in the federations after the 4-year period, and this work has not been clearly stated as against the law.
Distance from the constitution and wrong and arbitrary interpretation of it will lead Iranian sports to a dangerous direction, because the method considered by the Ministry of Sports is a clear example of government interference in sports, and in addition to the risk of suspension, in the Administrative Court of Justice, the elections Cancellation will proceed.
As the Minister of Sports and Youth, Ahmad Dunyamali and the deputies of this ministry are expected to consider the law and refrain from any work that endangers Iran’s sports.
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